Roly Poly

Post date: Jul 10, 2011 12:50:44 PM

Ryan just turned 3 months old today and hit a milestone this morning. I woke up to find him on his belly in his crib. He is now able to roll all the way over. For the past week he has been rolling to his side in his crib and play mat but hadn't made it all the way to his belly. I was definitely startled to find him on his stomach but he looked awfully comfy and was sound asleep. I turned him to his back and went back to bed. I watched him on the monitor for awhile after that and he was rolling all over in his crib. He ended up on the other side of the crib and on his side. He's quite the roly poly these days.

We had him in the pool again yesterday and he seems to be enjoying it more and more. He didn't love it but he didn't cry at all. He loves his baths but we think the pool isn't quite as warm as he would like it to be.

Ryan now has a favorite toy, well sort of. He has a little blanket with a monkey on it. He absolutely loves it! He holds onto it and cuddles up with it. He also loves to keep it in his mouth (if his fists aren't already there). He must have some yummy tasting fists because he always wants them in his mouth. He's trying to figure out how to stick his thumb in his mouth but always ends up with his entire hand in there. It's so funny watching him try to figure everything out.

I just can't get over how much he changes each week. He has already made a huge improvement with holding his head up since the last time I updated. Each day it gets stronger and stronger. He now holds it up on his own unless he's very tired. We can't wait to buy him a jumper to play in. I think he will love it because he absolutely loves to bounce around. There's so much more fun to come with our little man!! :-)

We will post another slide show in another week or so...